Dyslexia Assist kite mark
How can a tutor receive a Dyslexia Assist kite mark?
Pupils and parents/guardians fill in a simple online questionnaire about their tutor’s lessons. We hope this will help you make choices.
To answer questions, you only need to select faces:
When a tutor receives at least 3 positive recommendations, they can receive the kite mark on the Dyslexia Assist website.
Responses are confidential and can also be changed at any time by simply contacting us.
To complete the Tutor Questionnaire now, please click here

How does Dyslexia Assist use the completed questionnaires?
There are 9 questions in total: 6 for the pupil and 3 for the parent or guardian.
The questions relate to satisfaction with the teaching/learning experience. They do not address teaching goals, qualifications, travel distance or cost etc.
To answer each question, there are 5 different faces to choose from.
We give a score to each ticked face: the highest score of 5 points is given to the most smiley face - the ‘all the time’ response.
We list tutors and tutor centres on the website if an average point allocation of 30 or more - out of a possible 45 - is received from a minimum of 3 different pupils.
When we receive sufficient positive responses, we will send tutors an offer of a kite mark on the website.
How is the list kept up-to-date?
We ask tutors to keep us up-to-date with their details and inform us if they no longer provide services. We will also note the initial year of the Dyslexia Assist listing on each tutor’s website details.
What about Confidentiality?
Responses and communications with Dyslexia Assist will be confidential. We will not use any information you give us for any other purpose.