What can I do to help a teenage child/student, revision and exams .....
If you think your child might need some help to do their best in Higher Education, the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is there to finance support after A levels. Applying for Disabled Student Allowance involves several steps which are summarised here.
Microlink has put together videos to help navigate the DSA process. Click here to view
If your child is struggling to remember what they are reading, help them make the words into a picture movie in their head. Go to the article http://www.diannecraft.org/when-a-child-doesnt-remember-what-he-reads/
Sylvia, an educational Psychologist, has shared this really useful guide with us:
DYSLEXIA (DYSPRAXIA ADHD) Maths difficulties, Visual stress, Emotions A GUIDE for SIXTH-FORMERS (and their parents)
extendedwriting.com is full of free resources to 'Write smarter, not harder ' providing strategies to help students cope with the demands of any exam that involves extended writing, especially the new GCSE`s 1-9. It will also help prepare students for the transition into the Sixth Form. The strategies are very transferable and can be used in all subjects ranging from History to Biology, and to PE.
Nottingham University has created a guide to help dyslexic students cope better with exams. Click here
Ability.net have some useful IT and App support resources available for students with dyslexia
The codpast.org has some really useful resources and tips for studying including a Survival Guide for Dyslexic Students click here to read more
Although no two students with dyslexia are the same, it is perhaps understandable that, after years of battling through school, many will feel worried or apprehensive about starting university. However, this does not have to be the case.
Exceptional Individuals’ top tips for starting university: Make sure you have an up-to-date assessment report. Dyslexia is officially recognised as a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act and so students with dyslexia, or a related disability, are usually entitled to access support from the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). However, in order to access this support, each student must have a post-16 report from an appropriately qualified educational psychologist or specialist tutor. A large proportion of dyslexics are actually only identified at university after slipping through the school system. These students can also apply for a DSA after receiving confirmation and a report from their university disability services.
Bambi, a friend of Dyslexia Assist kindly shared the topic packs she developed to help her dyslexic daughter with learning and revision. The packs bring topics alive with visual reading, engaging activities and then encourage making your own version of notes to revise from. The topics cover areas of Key stage learning and common entrance exams. There is a digital version that schools can purchase or trial for free at oakabooks.co.uk
Jo Crawford (teenage ambassador for the British Dyslexia Association) has written a great article with useful tips for revision, colours, analogies stickers … click here to go to her I’m Dislexisic blog
Kristina Symons, Head of Learning Support, shares some top tips for supporting dyslexic learners through their A Level courses, click here to read the article.
'Being Dyslexic' This website has really helpful forums and guides for different aspects of being a student. Click here

“They aren’t testing my knowledge, but how well I can not be dyslexic in that moment.”
Schuler, age 16
Mind mapping is often recommended as a way to support children with dyslexia. It is often suggested as a way to help with planning longer written work or sketching out ideas. It is a great way of reducing the number of words a child has to read and write to access and record information. However, mind maps can play a much more fundamental role in learning and revision. For tips in mind mapping for children with dyslexia click here.
English literature; to read or not to read? Students may prefer to revise by listening to set texts. This article explains how to do this: https://www.noodle.com/articles/assistive-technology-
John Hicks has started a great blog spot for learning with dyslexia, for example using assisted technology, revision
and writing assignments in higher education; to read these useful blogs click here
Higher education and dyslexia ... a student describes the help she receives. Click here to watch.
A mature university graduate shares the trials and triumphs of living and studying with Dyslexia on her blog click here to search the blogspots. To see how assistive technology helped click here.
For some useful test taking tips for students with dyslexia that can make a difference click here…
Palgrave Macmillan is a publisher that specialises in study skills: here is a free download to help students practice exam techniques:
They also publish free audio files to download and listen to. You can also download the transcripts. They contain real tips from students as well as sound advice from the Palgrave Study Skills series.
You can listen to the audio files through your PC or by downloading them to another device. Click this link:
This practical skills guide helps young people with who learn differently including those with dyslexia, DCD/dyspraxia and ADHD, study for their exams. Students who learn differently can often find exams challenging and can experience a good deal of anxiety around exam time, leading to exam results that may not accurately reflect their capabilities. Much exam stress arises from a lack of confidence with the ability to learn and retain information in a meaningful way. The book can be purchased or ordered at your library.
Charmaine McKissock has helped many dyslexic students find ways to learn more easily. Her book ‘Great Ways to Learn Anatomy & Physiology’ is a highly visual text to help anyone studying anatomy and physiology. It contains many examples that could be applied to other subjects. Complicated processes are brought to life with imaginative diagrams and story lines which help understanding and reinforce memory. It also supports dyslexic students with spelling, memory, or mathematical difficulties. To look inside the book click here.
Dyslexia Post 16: Katrina Cochrane examines common issues faced by dyslexic young people on leaving school, and the options and support available to them to read the article click here.
ADSHE is the Association of Dyslexia Specialists in Higher Education. Its members are fully qualified dyslexia specialists or very experienced at tutoring university students. You can contact them to assist with finding a tutor at adshe.org.uk
To find useful tips from dyslexic students to students click here
MyStudyBar is free and can be downloaded or saved on a memory stick to use. It has text reader for proof listening to work, mind maps, dictionary, as well as a on screen ruler and colour options to make reading easier. Click here to download