Is it worth going to a specialist optician?...
This can work for some children. Help can be in the form of coloured overlays to put over text when reading, tinted spectacles or eye exercises to help tracking. It doesn't’t work for everyone though so don’t expect miracles. We know a child who cried when they received their glasses as they expected to be able to read when they put them on.
Ask your school or local dyslexia charity if they have an optician they could recommend. Basic eye tests are free for children and some opticians or optician outpatient departments in hospitals can do more specialist testing on the NHS.
Visual stress - is also known as Irlen Syndrome, Meares-Irlen Syndrome or Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome. It is a condition whose causes are not yet fully understood but which makes people see the printed page differently: It is not an optical problem but to do with the brain’s ability to process visual information. It is present in a variety of populations and is more common in populations with specific difficulties, such as reading problems and ADHD. For more information go to
The society for coloured lens practitioners lists their members who have consented to abide by a code of conduct which ensures that they have appropriate training, expertise, and equipment. To find a local practitioner go to
The Facebook group Visual Stress Help and Support UK is a private group that supports those with visual stress, those with children with visual stress their educators. Joining and searching for posts or posting may be helpful.