What can I do if friends and family are not supportive?...
Sometimes you may find that family and friends are not supportive and say insensitive things because they don’t understand dyslexia. This can upset your child and make you feel protective, upset or angry.
We know a child who memorised jokes he heard others read from Christmas crackers; he then used these jokes at the next family meal and pretended to read them from the Joke slip. How inventive dyslexic children can be!
A family board game or quiz at Christmas that involves reading questions can put your child in an awkward situation. It might be a good idea to plan with your child some things they can say in tricky situations, for example: ‘I’m sorry, but I have trouble reading words I have not seen before; could you read this for me?’ You may also like to give family and friends leaflets or website addresses that explain dyslexia.
Understood. Org has some useful articles that may be of further help including links to films that feature dyslexia to watch together.
The Yale Center for Dyslexia has a page to help ‘setting people straight about dyslexia’ to gently explain if they misunderstand, click here to read
Thank you Ryan for sharing your illustrations all about dyslexia.
Ryan is a freelance illustrator working in the UK you can see more of his work at ryangillett.com