Kids Blogs 
Callum has made a video about being dyslexic, he used to cry saying he felt stupid, an idiot and dumb. Now he is sharing his ideas with other dyslexic children, watch is story and other youtube clips... 
Tali was asked by her teacher to produce a class lesson. Here is her beautiful video about living with dyslexia. 
Olivia Loader aged 12, the young ambassador for dyslexic children with the British Dyslexia Association... find out more 
Listen to school age kids talking to their classmates about dyslexia... find out more 
Advice and support from a teacher, who is dyslexic,on how to deal with dyslexia; the journey from primary school to secondary school. 
A blog and tips to cope with teenage stress and dyslexia... find out more 
For teenagers with dyslexia, every class can be a struggle because they all involve some aspect of reading and spelling. Dyslexia is also connected to some social, emotional and behavioural issues. Take a look at this visual guide to see how dyslexia can affect a teens daily life at school. 
In her video, Jo Crawford, who was last year made a British Dyslexia Association Young Ambassador, asks are dyslexics at a disadvantage in the education system? During the 16 minute video, Jo looks at the statistics and speaks with those in the dyslexia field to find out their views. 
Mark writes his dyslexic bog as an adult but there is so much help here for older children... find out more  
Read Luke’s story ( aged 15) how he battled with his dyslexia but still made the finals of the Young Builder of the Year Awards… find out more 
Nat Hawley, from Eastleigh, Hampshire, explains that people have outdated misconceptions about dyslexia read more... 
Colour of My Dreams 
I'm a really rotten reader 
the worst in all the class, 
the sort of rotten reader 
that makes you want to laugh. 
I'm last in all the readin' tests, 
my score's not on the page 
and when I read to teacher 
she gets in such a rage. 
She says I cannot form my words 
she says I can't build up 
and that I don't know phonics 
and don't know a c-a-t from k-u-p. 
They say that I'm dyslexic 
(that's a word they've just found out) 
... but when I get some plasticine 
I know what that's about.........  
Click to read more of the fantastic poem 
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